EMW Online Classes

E-Mediation Writings, in its drive towards continuous mediation education conducted EMW 1st Online Mediation Classroom Series from 2nd January 2021 to 4th April 2021 for the law students of India. The classes aimed at imparting knowledge of mediation as per the recently proposed curriculum by the Bar Council of India, making Mediation & Conciliation as mandatory subjects in the academic curriculum of LL.B course across all law colleges of India. The focal point of the Classroom Series was the law students enrolled from 21 States and Union Territories of India. The students engaged enthusiastically in understanding the intricacies of mediation from the stalwarts of the field themselves. A total of 77 students participated in the first lecture series. The key idea behind the endeavour was also to impart education on mediation to the country’s next generation of lawyers and law students about the significance of peaceful resolution of disputes within the available justice delivery system. The Students were appreciated for the keenness and dedication in attending the online mediation classroom series in an event organized on 10th April 2021, for the certificate distribution by the Hon’ble Judges of Delhi High Court.’

Certificate Distribution Ceremony-